Category Archives: Kolorowe Idiomy

Kolorowe idiomy – ‚red’

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dzisiaj ponownie skupimy się na ‚kolorowych idiomach’, a w szczególności na kolorze CZERWONYM.

Mam nadzieję, że dzisiejsze słówka okażą się dla Was przydatne w przyszłości.



  • (be) in the redmieć saldo debetowe na koncie; być na minusie; mieć deficyt;
    (EN. owe money to a bank)
    e.g. Many of the students were in the red at the end of their first year.

  • red tape – biurokracja; papierkowa robota;0610-DaveCarpenter-d
    (EN. official, bureaucratic formalities and procedure which slow down people and procedures)
    e.g. I hate applying for visas. For some countries there’s no so much red tape involved.

  • a red-herring – temat zastępczy, służący jako odwrócenie uwagi;
    (EN. a piece of information or suggestion introduced to draw attention away from the real facts of a situation)
    e.g. The mystery novel has a couple of red herrings that keep readers off guard.

  • see red – wściec się;
    (EN. Suddenly become very angry, lose one’s temper)
    e.g. When Mom saw the mess Pete had made in the living room, she simply saw red and threw him out.

  • red-carpet treatment – traktować (kogoś) z honorami;Caught_Red_Handed_by_ultrafishbulb
    (EN. very special treatment; royal treatment)
    e.g. There’s a Japanese trade delegation expected tomorrow and the boss is giving them the full red-carpet treatment.

  • catch someone red-handed – przyłapać kogoś na gorącym uczynku;
    (EN. catch a person in the act of doing something wrong)
    e.g. I caught young Jimmy and his friend red-handed smoking behind the garden shed.

  • a red letter day – szczególny dzień; pamiętny dzień;
    (EN. An import ant or joyful occasion which one looks forward to or remem bers with plesure)
    e.g. The day we moved into our newly built house was a red letter day for the whole family.


A teraz pora na zadanie utrwalające:





  1. This is going to be ………………………………… . I found my lost keys!
  2. The smuggler was ………………………………… with a kilo of cocaine.
  3. We need ………………………………… to black out the recent scandal, any ideas?
  4. I can’t afford new clothes. I’m ………………………………… .
  5. ………………………………… prevented Jack’s wife from joining him abroad.
  6. Bill really ………………………………… when the tax bill arrived.
  7. I love to go to fancy stores where I get ………………………………… .
  8. Because of ………………………………… , Frank took weeks to get a visa.
  9. Tom was stealing the car when the police drove by and ………………… him ……………………… .
  10. It has been announced that the company will still ………………………………… for the rest of this year.
  11. Whenever I think of the needless destruction of trees, I ………………………………… .
  12. Today was ………………………………… in our history.
  13. The detectives were following ………………………………… , but they’re on the right track now.
  14. The queen expects to get the ………………………………… wherever she goes.
  15. Our wedding was ………………………………… for us.
  16. When he laughed in my face, I just ………………………………… .
  17. He saw that she was stealing a dress. He ………………………… her ……………………… .
  18. Some Internet customers ………………………………… as a result of the new virus that slowed Web traffic last week.
  19. Mary tried to cash a forged check at the bank, and the teller …………………… her …………………… .
  20. My passport application has been held up by ………………………………… .








Kolorowe idiomy: ‚blue’ :)

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ponownie przyszedł czas na zapoznanie się z nowymi kolorowymi idiomami.
Dzisiaj przygotowałam kolor morza, czyli mój ulubiony niebieski!!! 😛

Jak zawsze poniżej znajdziecie nowe słówka, a następnie w ramach powtórzenia, dla Waszej korzyści:P, wykonajcie ćwiczenie powtórkowe.

Zapraszam i powodzenia!!!



  • (have) blue blood – błękitna, arystokratyczna krew;
    (EN. be royal or aristicratic in origin) –> przymiotnik (adjective): blue-blooded
    e.g. Scott is trying to trace his ancestry. His mother told him that generations ago there was blue blood in the family.
  • a blue-collar worker/job – robotnik, pracownik fizyczny; [przeciwienństwo/antonym: a white collar worker – pracownik umysłowy]
    (EN. a manual or factory worker, i.e. not an office worker)
    e.g. It isn’t only the blue-collar workers who have been hit by unemployment. There are no office jobs either.
  • a blue-eyed boy – ulubieniec, pupilek;
    (EN. a man or boy who is somebody’s favourite and with whom he can find no fault)
    e.g. Brian was always jealous of his his younger brother, because he knew that Tim was their mother’s blue-eyed boy.
  • a bolt from the blue – grom z jasnego nieba;
    (EN. a sudden, usually unpleasant, surprise or shock)
    e.g. The news of her brother’s illness came like a bolt of the blue, as she had spoken to him on the phone only the day before.
  • true-blue – zaprzysięgły, prawdziwy, oddany:
    (EN. if someone is true-blue, they support something or someone completely)
    e.g. They want control of the company to remain in true-blue American hands.


  • once in a blue moon – niezmiernie rzadko, od wielkiego święta;
    (EN. very rarely)
    e.g. ‚Do you still go to art exhibitions?’  ‚Only once in a blue moon, I’m afraid. No time any more.’
  • out of the blue –  ni stąd, ni zowąd;
    (EN. suddendly, unexpectedly)
    e.g. Rose’s ex-husband has turned up again out of the blue, saying he wants her to give him a second chance.
  • (vanish) into the blue – zniknąć bez śladu;
    (EN. go away suddenly, unexpectedly and without trace)
    e.g. Do you remember Walter Smith, the fellow who vanished into the blue with half a million of the firm’s money?

  • till one is blue in the face –  (mówić/powtarzać coś komuś) do znudzenia;
    (EN. continuously or exhaustively but without results)
    e.g. I’ve talked to Jim till I’m blue in the face about smoking, but he has no intention of giving up.

  • feel blue – być przygnębionym, smutnym;
    (EN. feel sad)
    e.g. When Mara goes away, Don feels blue. He’s lonely and sad.




A teraz pora na sprawdzenie, jak dokładnie przyswoiliście ‚niebieskie idiomy’:P

Wstaw w luki słówka z tabelki (te, które dzisiaj poznaliśmy). Pamiętaj, że możliwa będzie odmiana poszczególnych czasowników.

  1. The news that they had got married was ………………….. .
  2. Many of the ………………….. of the town went to the opening of the opera.
  3. My sister lives in Alaska, so I only get to see her ………………….. .
  4. My friend decided ………………….. to quit his job and go to Europe.
  5. He seemed to be very happy in his job, so his resignation came as ………………….. .
  6. He was very much the ………………… the office.
  7. His parents were both ………………….. . He was the first person in his family to go to college.
  8. The attorneys can talk until they’re ………………….. , but I don’t think they’ll convince the jury that this guy is innocent.
  9. Although Mary’s family is poor, she has ………………… her veins.
  10. You look like you ………………….. . What’s wrong?
  11. ………………….. , I buy a fashion magazine, just to see what people are wearing.
  12. The news that Mr. and Mrs. Smith were getting a divorce struck all their friends a ………………….. .
  13. Tom’s …………………..- he won’t let us down.
  14. They bought a house in a nice, settled, ………………….. neighborhood.
  15. You can argue yourself ………………….. but it isn’t going to change my opinion.
  16. The earl refuses to allow anyone who is not of ………………….. to marry his son.
  17. Jill: Does your husband ever bring you flowers? Ellen: ………………….. .
  18. Then one day, completely ………………….. , I had a letter from her.
  19. I was ………………….. all day.
  20. When I turned back, the stranger ………………….. .


źródło: English idioms, Jennifer Seidl, W. McMordie, Oxford : Oxford University Press, 1990.


Kolorowe idiomy: ‚green’

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Dzisiaj skupiamy się na wyrażeniach idiomatycznych związanych z kolorem zielonym –> ‚green’. green
Jak wiecie, nie zawsze to co jest napisane, dosłownie to oznacza. Na tym właśnie polega problem z idiomami. Dlatego, trzeba je po prostu wykuć na pamięć. Mamy jednak nadzieję, że przykłady, które Wam przedstawimy nie sprawią żadnych problemów, a jedynie pozwolą na uporządkowanie Waszej dotychczasowej wiedzy.


  • be green (informal) – naiwny, niedoświadczony;

(be too trusting , naive and easily deceived through lack of experience; be inexperienced or new to something)

np. When I joined this company as a junior clerk ten years ago, I was as green as grass. But I’ve learnt a lot since then.

  • a green belt – pas zieleni;

(an area of fields and woodlands aroun a town)

np. The planning committee is firmly opposed to any building in the green belt.

  • give someone/get the green light – dać komuś/ dostać zielone światło:

(give/get approval or permission to start doing something)

np. The budget has been approved, so we’ve got the green light to order the new scientific equipment for the department.

  • (to be) green with envy (często be/go/turn/make someone ~) – pozielenieć z zazdrości;

(extremely envious of someone or something)

np. When Kathy hears that the boss is going to make you her personal assistant and not her, she’ll be green with en

  • have green fingers – mieć dobrą rekę do roślin;

(be good at gardening, looking after plants)

np. Madge can get anything to grow – she’s really green fingers.

Wstaw poznane ‚zielone’ idiomy w odpowiednie zdania:
1. What a beautiful car ! I’m with ……………….. envy.

2. Local residents protested when they heard a factory was going to be built in a ……………….. ……area.

3. Jack gave me the light on the project.

4. We’re looking for a new home in the ……………………

5. We’re waiting for the ……………….. light from head office to launch our publicity.

6. When someone is good at gardening, they have “……………….. fingers”.


źródło: English idioms, Jennifer Seidl, W. McMordie, Oxford : Oxford University Press, 1990.
